
Physique Global

Walking Fast can add up to 15 Years to your life!

Fast walking is also known as Power Walking is the act of walking with a speed at the upper end of the natural range, typically around 7 to 9 km/h.

Walking is one of the most common forms of physical activity. It is something that everyone does in their day to day life.

Walking is the best and effortless exercise for those studies show walking is just as effective as anti-depressants in mild to moderate cases of depression.

You can keep track of your heart rate to know if you are walking fast for your fitness level. By keeping your heart rate between 60 [and] 90 percent of your max heart rate then you are walking brisk enough to get improved health benefits.

Benefits of Brisk Walking:

 Walking at a faster speed can lead to a strengthened heart and a stronger circulatory system.

 Improves your mood. Walking outdoors will help you get fresh air and walking with a partner will help you get social support.

 Walking increases productivity both physically as well as mentally because you remain active the whole day when you start your day with a walk.

 According to a study, brisk walking can slow down aging and can add up to 15 to 20 years to your life.

 Walking fast also helps to maintain a healthy blood sugar level especially in the case of type 2 diabetes as it reduces the resistance of cells to insulin.

 It also improves blood circulation causing each cell, tissue, and organ to receive more oxygen hence making them function properly.

Final Word:

Be it on a treadmill in a gym or an open park, make sure that you walk daily and consider fast walking so that you can reap all the benefits and also add years to your life.

I’ll end this with a quote from Thomas Jefferson – “Walking is the best possible exercise.
Habituate yourself to walk very fast.”

#physiqueglobal #training #walk #fitness #exercise #life

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