
Physique Global

4 Easy Ways To Lose Weight Naturally

4 Easy Ways To Lose Weight Naturally

Everyone wants to be fit and live a healthy lifestyle. But because of the pandemic and work-from-home culture people are living sedentary lifestyles, its effect is people are getting obese which is causing cardiovascular diseases (mainly heart disease and stroke), musculoskeletal disorders (especially osteoarthritis – a highly disabling degenerative disease of the joints). These diseases we can prevent just by losing weight and live a healthy lifestyle. Here are some fat loss workout tips for obese people to lose weight.

Get a pedometer and start counting your steps – Pedometers is designed to detect vertical movement at the hip and so measure the number of steps and provide an estimate of distance walked. Start with 2000 thousand steps and increase it weekly try to reach 10,000 steps daily and make it a routine. And it is not a hard and fast rule that’s those steps should be done in one go you can distribute it for whole day.

Purchase a stationary bike – Stationary bike advantage is that it put very less impact on the knees which would be very helpful for obese person to workout indoor and burn some extra calories. Once you lose some weight you then can purchase a cycle and drive it outside as well.

Stair climbing – Stair climbing while holding the railings on the sides would be a good start for obese person to burn some extra calories. Best part is that it will give support as well while climbing the stairs, burn off some extra kilos. If you don’t want to go outside Stair master machine is also available now, so while watching your favorite show you can complete your workout.

Add Strength training – Buy some weight or resistance band built some muscle , as after the age of 30 you start losing muscle thanks to aging but strength training improve your functional performance and also bone density , for obese people you don’t need to do any fancy resistance training basic workout squats on chair , light weight biceps curl , shoulder press will give you amazing results and will boost your confidence.

Hope these points will be helpful in some way in your life and can be added in your daily routine.

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