
Physique Global


The term “superfood” is often overused, given to foods that don’t necessarily deserve it.

Based on the current research, it seems that garlic might be stepping up to the superfood podium soon.

Garlic, as you may know, is an immensely popular food commonly used as the seasoning for its distinctly imposing flavor. However, not often do we speak of its health benefits.

One study found that consuming two grams of garlic cloves was associated with a 385% increase of circulating nitric oxide. Nitric oxide has been shown to promote vasodilation, increasing blood flow and oxygen to smooth muscles, and possibly improving nutrient delivery to your skeletal muscles.

In turn, it potentially improves exercise performance and muscle recovery.

It’s also known to be a general anti-cancer protein for its stimulation of the immune system to help slow down cancer cell proliferation.
Garlic has also been shown to reduce blood pressure for hypertensive subjects.
This can be huge benefit for those at risk of high blood pressure.
Other potential garlic benefits based on preliminary research is reducing triglyceride levels, increasing levels of the anti-oxidant glutathione, increasing T-cell levels for improved immunity, and reducing arterial plaque buildup, especially for women.
But perhaps the most consistently significant benefit of garlic is reducing total cholesterol.
Further research found that garlic is particularly the “bad” cholesterol.

How to consume garlic?

Avoid microwaving, as that might destroy the
beneficial components. Grill or roast garlic instead.
Also, don’t eat too much of it, as it can be toxic.
General guideline is stay below roughly 20grams of garlic for the average male, which is roughly 7 cloves.

After all of this information, does garlic
deserve the superfood title?

In our opinion… yes, at least more so than most others that have been called superfoods.

If you do start eating garlic more often,
just be care of the power of your… breath.

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