
Physique Global

5 Cooking tips to make your diet healthier!

So you’ve decided you want to start training or perhaps you already train and you want to get in amazing condition?

But there is one problem – you love your home-cooked meals?

You haven’t got to give up your favorite foods to reach your goals; you can simply tweak them to make them healthier.

Here we share with you our top 10 ways either you, your mother or cook can modify your meals and still get in the best condition of your life!

1. Curds don’t have to be just for the end of your meal.

Low in calories, high in protein and great for your gut – try having for breakfast with fresh fruit either as a smoothie or in a pot ready to eat at your desk.

2. Swap vegetable oil for coconut oil. Coconut oil contains long-chain fatty acids (MCFAs) or medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs) which are smaller and more easily digested, so they do not get stored as fat.

Not only is coconut oil more heat stable but it is also made up of nearly 50% lauric acid, which is a compound that is converted to monolaurin in the body.

This has antibacterial, antiviral and antiprotozoal properties.

3. Post-workout drinks are great for helping you recover from your gym session.

Aim to consume a protein shake within 30 minutes of your session, women included (don’t worry, you will not build manly muscles).

However if you are having an expensive fruit juice or maybe a smoothie from your gym to refresh, change to fresh coconut water.

Found at nearly every street corner and loaded with natural electrolytes which are needed to restore balance after heavy sweating.

4. Just by simply adding a new habit of reducing your serving of rice by one heaped tablespoon, each meal and adding in an extra serving of vegetables, will not affect your enjoyment of your meal and it will help you load up with low calorie, high fiber vegetables.

5. Swap your evening drink and bar snacks for a refreshing glass of milk.

We would normally recommend low-fat milk, but before bed opts for whole milk (better still add a scoop of protein powder to make a delicious shake) so that the fat helps slow down digestion and feed your muscles while you sleep.