
Physique Global

Know Your Hormone – Serotonin

Serotonin is a chemical produced by the nerve cells in the human body which acts as a signal between the various nerves.

It is mainly found in the digestive system although present in the brain as well as blood platelets.

It is made from the Amino Acid Tryptophan which is derived from food sources like nuts, cheese, and red meat. Serotonin is known to have an impact on mood, anxiety, depression, etc. when the levels of serotonin go down in the human body.

Serotonin is also called the Happy Chemical as it leads to a better mood as well as counters anxiety and depression as well.

Serotonin also affects the bowel system. Most of the body’s serotonin is found in the GI tract, where it regulates bowel function and movements. It also plays a part in reducing appetite while eating. Serotonin also affects the formation of blood clots.

It is released by the blood platelets in case of an injury or wound.

The resulting vasoconstriction, or narrowing of the blood vessels, reduces blood flow, and helps blood clots to form. Serotonin is responsible for stimulating the parts of the brain that control sleep and waking.

Whether you sleep or wake depends on what area is stimulated and which serotonin receptor is used.

How to boost Serotonin production?

Serotonin levels can be increased naturally by getting more exposure to outdoor sunlight and by doing plenty of exercises.

It can also help to eat more foods that contain a protein called tryptophan, such as nuts, eggs, cheese, red meat, turkey, salmon, tofu, and pineapple.

Daily yoga and meditation have been proven to improve your mood, which boosts your serotonin production.

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