
Physique Global


Dietary trends will always exist, continuously changing our beliefs and food choices in its most of the minute manner. One of the staple foods in the entire world; Rice, has been subjugated to such a change.
The question further quests the answer to which among the two types of rice, brown and white, should be considered as a part of one’s diet.

In this case, the popularity of brown rice has risen over the years, possibly replacing its traditional whites counterpart.
Touted for its health benefits and its ability to aid in weight loss versus the white rice, brown rice’s claim for fame isn’t much different from the usual a trendy ‘superfood’ web banners that pop up on your browser from time to time.

But is it a truly worthy replacement or like most of the time – it’s just a fad, let’s find out.

First, in a structural sense, the difference between white and brown rice is its refinements. Rice actually contain multiple pieces and layers.
When refined, white rice removes all but 1 part of the seed; the endosperm i.e. the white long seed which you consume.

Brown rice, however, only removes the outer most layer of the seed; the Hull, leaving behind the endosperm along with part of the Awn, the Bran and the Germ.
And it’s these remaining components that make brown rice so much more special. From a macronutrient standpoint, the extra pieces provide Brown rice 40% more protein and twice as much fibre.
However, it’s still not much overall at only 5g of protein and 3.5g of fibre per cup.
When it comes to micronutrients though, brown rice certainly seemed superior to its white rice counterpart.
But brown rice also contains certain anti-nutrients in the digestive tract which make it slightly difficult for your body to digest, thus making you feel heavy after you consume a portion.

A surprising study has also proven that brown rice contains roughly 80% more arsenic than white rice! Fortunately, you can reduce these levels dramatically by thoroughly washing your rice before cooking.

But there is one thing that Brown rice might hold over white rice and that is its effect on diabetes. White rice can reduce the risk of diabetes by 11% while the browns can do can pull off a 16% decrease in risk of diabetes.

Finally, when it comes to fitness goals you simply have to look at its overall benefits. As mentioned above, both of them are not that rich in protein. But one thing they can abundantly provide is carbohydrates, in the form of energy.
They might not be great for weight loss but can they can be extremely beneficial for bulking up.

So after all this discussion who wins the overall argument?

Like an enduring game of test cricket, this one’s a draw!

Undoubtedly the differences between the 2 exist. But much of it has little impact especially on healthy populations unless you’re at risk of certain ailments like diabetes.

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